Disagreements over which groups should control territory and resources
Competition between different groups for political power in a country
clashes between groups with different religious or political beliefs
Congress was the dominant political institution during the 19th century.
During the 1970's, the economy in the United States became stagnant. At the beginning of the decade, the U.S. was still recovering from the Vietnam war, the inflation rate was high, and unemployment was also at an all-time high. Add this to a worldwide energy shortage, the U.S. economy was a mess for most of that decade.
Amendments 16-27 were all passed during this century: 20th.
prevent the possibility of a wider conflict in europe
After the internal wars and expansion of the 19th century, US industrialism peaked during World War 2 and expanded to become the dominant economic force in the world.
During the first decade of the last century.
Ben Bernanke
The 20th century was an age of war because during that time period there were many and great wars that were faught. Also many people were killed during the wars that occured during the 20th century.
I want to have this project finished during this century, please. The century had hardly begun when another regional conflict threatened to spiral into a major war.
The big external conflict during the second half of the 20th century was the Vietnam War. The Vietnam Ware began in December of 1956 and ended in April of 1975.
Some of the sources of conflict between European countries during the 19th and 20th centuries included space, resources, and ideology.
It is estimated that during the first decade of the 21rst century, 2 million children died in war and violence in any conflict in the planet. It means 200 thousand children per year. As there is always an armed conflict somewhere, we can estimate that everyday an average of 547 children are killed in armed battles, landmines and other war events.
There was a conflict between old and new American idea
During the first decade of 1800, on Dec.2,1804.
During the first decade of 1800, on Dec.2,1804.