before the printing press was upgraded by gutenberg, it was very hard to get a book. The printing press help make books cheaper so more people could afford them and read and discover the ideas inside the book.
Johannes Gutenberg is the father of printing in the Western world. He invented the first movable type printing press, which revolutionized the way information was spread.
Gutenberg invented the moveable type printing press.
Johannas Gutenburg with the printing press
The printing press was invented about 200 years before Massachusetts was established so by the time it was settled in 1620 the printing press was a vital part of life. Tne Pilgrams brought bibles with them and other books into the New World and later newspapers and handbills were created.
the printing press helped spread his idea around.
The 1440s invention that helped spread the ideas of the renaissance throughout Europe was the movable printing press. It was invented by Johannes Gutenberg.
Answer this question… The invention of the printing press
The printing press.
The printing press.
It Helped it by new invention of printing press, that was developed by gutenberg.
printing press
Printing press.
The printing press
Martin Luther, if you're referring to the founder of Protestant Christianity, used the printing press to spread his ideas throughout Europe.
The Printing Press