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On April 19 1775 the British were marching to Concord to arrest several of the Son's of Liberty and to find illegal guns/powder. Enroute a fight broke out at Lexington where 77 of the village men waited for them on the village green. A shot was fired and several men died that morning and the troops moved on to Concord.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

At Lexington the first town enroute to Concord 77 men waited for them on the village green. A shot was fired and a small battle took place. When it was over several of the village men were dead, some of the houses were set on fire and looted. The troops moved on to Concord.

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Q: What was the 1st battle of the American revolution?
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In the American Revolution? America.

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