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To limit the powers so no one branch of the government has too much power.

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Q: What was the Constitution's system of checks and balances designed to do?
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What was the constitutions system of check and balances designed to do?

To prevent -anyone- from becoming a "king" (all powerful).

What was the constitutions system of check and balances designed to do what?

To prevent -anyone- from becoming a "king" (all powerful).

What is the system by which each branch of government could delay or stop an action taken by one of the other branches?

checks and balancesIt is a system of checks and balances.

What system was designed to keep any one branch of government from becoming too powerful?

the system of checks and balances

System designed to keep the power of each government branch limited?

checks and balances

What was the system of checks and balances designed to do?

Make it so one person did not have absolute athority over everything

What was the checks and balances designed to system do?

Make it so one person did not have absolute athority over everything

What was the constitutions system of checks and balance designed to do?

To limit the powers so no one branch of the government has too much power.

Is it true or false that the system of checks and balances is designed to ensure that each branch balances the budget?

false it does that so the branches are the same and balanced and equal.

What was the Cnstitution's system of Checks and Balances designed to do?

Make it so one person did not have absolute athority over everything

What stops one branch from from being to powerful?

The US government has a system of checks and balances.

System to guard against any one branch of the government becoming too powerful?

This system is called the Checks and Balance System