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Q: What was the act that set maximum railroad rates?
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Why didn't the Interstate Commerce Act immediately limit power of the railroads?

Because of a long legal process and resistance from the railroads, until 1897, when Supreme Court ruled that it could not set maximum railroad rates.

Which act authorized the ICC to set railroad rates and to regulate other companies engaged in interstate commerce such as pipelines and ferries?

Interstate commerce act of 1887.

What was Elkins Act and Hepburn Act?

Hepburn Act · Who: sponsored by William Peters Hepburn · What: a law to enable railroad regulations (set maximum rates, discontinues free passes and able to look at financial records) extended to cover bridges, terminals, ferries, railroad sleeping cars, express companies and oil pipelines. · Where: All railroads, bridges, terminals, ferries, railroad sleeping cars, express companies and oil pipelines in U.S · When:1906 · Why: to be able to set maximum railroad rates · How: passed by congress · President: Theodore Roosevelt · Success/Failure: Success Elkins Act · Who:The law was sponsored by President Theodore Roosevelt · What: The Elkins Act authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission to impose heavy fines on railroads that offered rebates, and upon the shippers that accepted these rebates. The railroad companies were not permitted to offer rebates. · Where: Railroad companies in the United States · When: 1903 · Why: to strengthen the I.C.C · How: Passed Congress and signed by the President · President: Theodore Roosevelt · Success/Failure: Success

Why did the Interstate commerce act immediately limit the power of the railroads?

Because of a long legal process and resistance from the railroads, until 1897, when Supreme Court ruled that it could not set maximum railroad rates.

What Act empowered the ICC to examine the books of the railroad companies?

The Hepburn Act--> gave the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) the power to set maximum railroad rates and led to the discontinuation of free passes to loyal shippers. In addition, the ICC could view the railroads' financial records, a task simplified by standardized bookkeeping systems. For any railroad that resisted, the ICC's conditions would remain in effect until the outcome of litigation said otherwise

Why didn't the interstate commerce immediately limit the power of railroads?

Because of a long legal process and resistance from the railroads, until 1897, when Supreme Court ruled that it could not set maximum railroad rates.

What authority does the Surface Transportation Board have over the rail industry?

The STB retained authority to set maximum rates or take other actions if a railroad was found to have market dominance or to have engaged in competitive behavior. The STB is also responsible for railroad mergers, consolidations, and track age rights.

What regulations exist for plumbing fixtures?

The National Energy Policy Act, passed by Congress in 1992, set maximum water-flow rates allowed for residential and commercial fixtures.

What was the name of the laws that set limits on what could be charged by railroads to ship freight?

The laws that set limits on what could be charged by railroads to ship freight were called the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 and the Elkins Act of 1903. These laws aimed to regulate railroad rates and prevent unfair pricing practices.

How did the Hepburn act change the government's role industry?

The act gave the government the power to set and limit shipping costs.

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How do you find the maximum of a set of numbers?

The maximum of a set of numbers is the largest number in the set.