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A "babyboom" was is term coined to describe a rapid increase in the number of births. I'm pretty sure the baby boom which you are talking about is the Post-WWII baby boom in which US soldiers returning home from Europe and parts of Asia began to start familes and have children. Between 1946-1956,approximately 76 million babies were born^. ^Figures in Landon Y. Jones, "Swinging 60s?" in Smithsonian Magazine, January 2006, pp 102-107

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To be very realistic its mainly because of the racist era, LSD days, and the babyboom. To explain the performers were white which gave them atleast half the peoples concent & attenton since we were still in the civil rights movement, LSD, a strong drug that rocked the states imbrassing the "hippie lifestyle" using the beatles music as a suppliment of lust and high & finally the babyboom, an era in the late 1940s to around 1970s people producing extreme amounts of babys and prosterity, since the beatles were young little girls loved them to death and just fell in love as well as young boys (probably homosexual) case & point Justin beiber! hope this was helpful

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Will there be a pilot shortage in the future?

Well, let me explain to you in detail: Pilot shortage arrived in 2008 even though the airline industry was in recession. Most airlines at that point of time were very concerned of how will they fill the seats of the beautiful, sweet looking birds which they operate. Today, situation remains the same. This global Pilot shortage on the large scale, refers to not the amount of Pilot candidates applying to the airline, but to the amount of qualified Pilots applying to many airline carriers. If you take a look at, a database for informing worldwide Pilots about the latest jobs in the international market, you will see most of middle eastern and Asian carriers have very toughrequirements in terms of the type of hours they require for a typical job candidate applying for Pilot job positions.Most airlines today are very keen to operating Airbus A320s as those aircrafts are just awesome birds to fly when it comes to emergency situations, meaning that they are the safest fleet to fly around the world. Such airlines require Pilots to attain type rating endorsement on the aircraft and that atleast 200 hours must be on that specific jet. This is however a very tough requirement as the type rating is not provided in every single country and that locating training institutes and gaining line flying hours is not possible everywhere.Other airlines hire for bigger and heavier jets such as Boeing 777, Airbus A330, Boeing 747, Airbus A380 and Boeing 767. This means that if you are not a type rated Pilot on the aircraft, you must have above 500 hours (in some cases, PIC hours) on jets in general. For example, Emirates at current time is hiring Boeing 777 First Officers and they don't require you to attain a type rating endorsement on the aircraft (although it's preferred). But they need atleast 4000 hours total time with alteast 2,500 hours, jet experienced First Officers. Most likely, their ideal candidates should hold 5,000 hours total time and 3000 hours on jets. This means an individual must spend about 5 years at the minimum to gain such heavy hours and can apply to the airline only once the hiring requirements are met.Airlines today are very competitive and require Pilots to have very strong skills and qualifications as safety is their top priority. No airline will hire a newbie to fly for the multi-million dollar machines. Remember, Pilots must have very strong personality traits and management skills along with high experience in order to carry a large amount of lives on board on these heavy jets.At the final stage, I would like to confirm that Pilot shortage is more likely to grow instead of decline as hundreds or new aircrafts are purchased by airlines monthly worldwide as the demand for air travel has just started to increase dramatically as a new year, 2011 has just begun. The second factor is the retirement rate for professional Pilots across the globe due to the babyboom era. As more aircrafts are bought each month and retirements tend to grow, vacancies also grow, making room for younger and perhaps, less qualified Pilots to fill in the gaps left by their predecessors. In evaluation of the shortage, you one may say that airlines have the option to either seek more qualified Pilots, or hire maybe a bit less experienced candidates in order to keep flights operative because everyone knows that without Pilots, jets do not fly and as a result, airlines are effected.Looking at the overall performance of the airline industry, there seems to be a start in the upturn, although slowly but changes and developments surely show improvements.