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The Bank War was when President Jackson wanted to destroy the naional bank because he thought it was unconsitutional. In Fact Biddle was the one doing things wrong. And Clay was only saying we should have the bank is because most of his votes are rich who the bank would have helped but he even said that the bank was not needed.

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The Bank War began because President Andrew Jackson felt the Second Bank of the US catered to the wealthy and gave them unfair advantage over farmers and the working people. The main historical significance of the Bank War was the reinforcement of the two-party political system. Also of significance were the limits later placed on the powers of the presidency that came as a result of Jackson's actions in his war with the bank.

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Q: What was the bank war?
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Continue Learning about American Government

Where did Revolutionary War funding come from?

The Bank of North America, founded by Robert Morris, contributed.

Why was it important to the new US to have a national bank?

First Bank of the United States The war left us in debt. Some states were bankrupt. We needed one unified currency ... Hamilton suggested a central bank. First Bank of the United States was needed because the government had a debt from the Revolutionary War, and each state had a different form of currency. It was built while Philadelphia was still the nation's capital. Alexander Hamilton conceived of the bank to handle the colossal war debt - and to create a standard form of currency. Up to the time of the bank's charter, coins and bills issued by state banks served as the currency of the young country. The First Bank's charter was drafted in 1791 by the Congress and signed by George Washington. In 1811, Congress voted to abandon the bank and its charter. The bank was originally housed in Carpenters' Hall from 1791 to 1795. The neo-classical design of the bank was intended to recall the democracy and splendor of ancient Greece. When you're there, note the eagle which crowns the two-story portico. At the time of the bank's creation the eagle had been our national symbol for only 14 years. The bank building was restored for the Bicentennial in 1976

What were the effects of Jackson's war on the bank?

During the 1832 election year, the recharting of the Second Bank of the United States became an overriding issue, pitting Andrew Jackson supporters against the pro bank Nicholas Biddle interests. Jackson perceived the bank as a threat to state sovereignty and the institution of slavery and in 1833, removed federal deposits from the Second Bank of the United States and distributed the funds in numerous state banks. This perceived abuse of executive authority resulted in the formation of the Whig Party. As a response to Jackson's policies, the bank tightened credit which resulted in an economic downturn and backlash from business interests. Biddle and his pro bank backers yielded and the bank's charter was converted to a state charter and eventually liquidated in 1841.

Hamilton wanted the Federal government to assume the war debts of the Second Continental Congress and also of the thirteen states?

Yes, Hamilton wanted the federal government to take on the war debt. He proposed a National Bank, which was met with opposition from many. Hamilton prevailed, and the First Bank of the United States was chartered in 1791.

What are non-kinetic means in warfare?

Jamming communications, freezing bank accounts, anything non-lethal that hurts the enemy's ability to wage war

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'Gaza' and 'West Bank' are two different, unconnected places. There is no war in either place at the present time, and the phrase "Gaza war of west bank" is really quite meaningless.

Who was Andrew Jackson's chief opponent in the bank war?

Nicolas Biddle was the president of the Second Bank of the United States and was Andrew Jackson's chief opponent in the bank war. The so-called bank war was a dispute over the restructuring of the national bank.

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the bank.

What wealth and bank deposit made the north in the war?

The percentage went up more in the bank deposits in the north during the war.

What was the Bank of the US?

The Bank Of The U.S was a bank that was in power a lot of times and ruled over other banks at the time being so the president at the time which was President:Andrew Jackson declared war on the he callled it the Bank War!!!

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The Bank Of The U.S was a bank that was in power a lot of times and ruled over other banks at the time being so the president at the time which was President:Andrew Jackson declared war on the he callled it the Bank War!!!

Why did president Jackson declare war on the second bank of us?

Jackson declared war on the second bank of the US because Jackson believed to be corrupt. Jackson declared war on Biddle and the bank. But Biddle felt sure of his political power.

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What was bank war?

The Bank War was when President Jackson wanted to destroy the naional bank because he thought it was unconsitutional. In Fact Biddle was the one doing things wrong. And Clay was only saying we should have the bank is because most of his votes are rich who the bank would have helped but he even said that the bank was not needed.

The Second Bank of the United States was formed largely as a result of which war?

war of 1812

What were the effects of jacksons war on the bank?

The effects of Jackson's war on the natiional war were, 1: he spilt the bank so it would have less power 2:banks were forced to rise their rates so they went out of business

What was a bank that accepted deposits from people and in return issued bills of redemtion after the reloutionary war?

It was called a Wildcat bank!