Although the United States maintains a predominately two party system between the Democrat and Republicans factions exist within and amongst them. Factions such as the Democrat's Blue Dogs and Republican Tea Party members exist and comprise formidable political blocs.
A republican is usually more conservative...then a democrat.
i dont exactly kno alot but i do know that republicans are against abortions and democrats are free life.
The creation of a new United States political party named the Republican party came about over the dispute over the Nebraska - Kansas Act. The Whig party had been a uniting force between the Northern and Southern States. The new Act brought on a political uproar. Based on North & South Whig party disagreements, it was dissolved. Part of this process resulted in the creation of a new party the Republican party. It was named in honor of Thomas Jefferson.
A party's platform is best understood as a negotiated agreement between the party's various factions.
Although the United States maintains a predominately two party system between the Democrat and Republicans factions exist within and amongst them. Factions such as the Democrat's Blue Dogs and Republican Tea Party members exist and comprise formidable political blocs.
A republican is usually more conservative...then a democrat.
As Chief Diplomat, Andrew Johnson had to negotiate between the different Republican factions (including the Radical Republics) and Democratic factions (split between Northern Democrats and Southern Democrats). The main issue was how Reconstruction of the Southern states should proceed and how former Confederates should be dealt with.
A foreign war is fought between at least two separate countries. A civil war is fought between factions inside one nation.
While republican (small r) relates to a republic, a state ruled by the people, or its type of government, Republican(capital R) relates to the political party of that name, or a member of that party.
Left wing= Democratic Right wing= Republican
The amount of control government should have over business activities.
Raven is an English Special Forces like the Black Ops in America. Valour is American Army Or the Marine Core. And SAVER is the Rebels.
An infinite number.
The difference between an Emperor and a President is that an Emperor is the male sovereign or supreme ruler of an empire and a President is the elected head of a republican state.
Federalists wanted a strong government, taxes to support the government, and liked banks. Republican party were for the farmers who did not want a strong government or lots of taxes.