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police were required to inform suspects of their right to remain silent and have a lawyer present during questioning

the decision established the clear and present danger test judging free speech

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What effect did the landmark supreme court decision in marbury vs madison have?

The effect of the landmark Supreme court decision in Marbury vs Madison helped in the separation of powers as far as the executive and legislature is concerned.

What was the effect of the US Supreme Court case Marbury v Madison?

The most important effect of Marbury v. Madison, (1803), is that it affirmed the Supreme Court's right of judicial review and set a precedent for future cases. Judicial review is the power of the Court to evaluate laws relevant to cases before the court to determine their constitutionality, and to nullify (overturn) any they find unconstitutional.In Marbury, the Supreme Court decided Section 13 of the Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional because Congress had overreached its authority by granting the Court the right to issue all writs of mandamus, which contradicted the language of Article III of the Constitution.Case Citation:Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137 (1803)

Was Bush v Gore a decision by the US Supreme Court to decide who would be President?

Yes and no. The 5-4 US Supreme Court ruling in Bush v. Gore, 531 US 98 (2000) didn't directly award the Presidential Election to George W. Bush, but the Court's decision to stop the manual ballot recount in Florida had that effect, and the justices knew it would have that effect because Bush was leading Gore in the State's popular election by a mere 537 votes when the case was appealed.The Supreme Court held a Florida Supreme Court recount of 70,000 disputed ballots violated the constitutional rights of Florida voters under the Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause because the counting method was arbitrary and inconsistent.When the US Supreme Court reversed the Florida Supreme Court, Bush was awarded Florida's 25 Electoral votes, giving him a total of 271 Electoral votes to Gore's 266, barely enough to put Bush in the White House.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

Was Clarence Thomas confirmed as a Supreme Court justice after Anita Hill accused him of sexual harassment?

Ultimately, Thomas was confirmed for the Supreme Court; the controversy, however, had a lasting effect on the nation's understanding of sexual harassment.

Which supreme court decisions in effect meant the constitution protected slavery?

Dred Scoot v. Sanford

Related questions

What effect did the landmark supreme court decision in marbury vs madison have?

The effect of the landmark Supreme court decision in Marbury vs Madison helped in the separation of powers as far as the executive and legislature is concerned.

What effect did the supreme court decision on apportionment have?

It strengthened the powers of the federal government.

How did the supreme court decision in the slaughterhouse cases effect American business?

it showed that business have rights

What was the effect of the supreme courts decision in loving v Virginia?

What was the effect of the Supreme Court's decision in Loving v. Virginia

How can Congress overturn a Supreme Court decision?

Congress can overturn a Supreme Court decision by passing a new law that directly addresses the issue ruled upon by the Court. This law must be signed by the President to take effect and can effectively nullify the Court's decision.

What Effect did the Supreme Court decision have on Dartmouth College?

From a private college into a state university under public control.

What supreme court decision in effect meant that the constitution protected?

The decision on Dred Scott vs. Sanford was made by the US Supreme Court on March 6, 1857. For all practical purposes, the Court ruled that slavery was legal and that slaves were property.

What was significant effect of Supreme Court decision under Chief Justice John Marshall?

The decisions of the Marshall Court established the Supreme Court as a branch of government equal to Congress and the Presidency.

What Supreme Court decision in effect meant the Constitution protected slavery?

The decision on Dred Scott vs. Sanford was made by the US Supreme Court on March 6, 1857. For all practical purposes, the Court ruled that slavery was legal and that slaves were property.

Can the president overide the us supreme court?

no... Once the U. S. Supreme Court makes a decision in the interpretation of a law or a part of the Constitution, a precedent is set, and their decision holds the same weight as the original law. The President can no more overturn a Supreme Court decision than he/she can make a new law without Congress. The President can, however, sign into law a bill that has passed both houses of Congress that repeals or modifies a law or Constitutional clause on which a Supreme Court decision has been rendered, thereby, in effect, overriding the Supreme Court.

What was Andrew Jackson's attitude toward nullification?

Andrew Jackson was against nullification, as long as it served his own purposes. Jackson became infamous for nullifying the Supreme Court decision in favor of the Cherokee nation. He is noted for saying something to the effect, "Let the Supreme Court enforce their decision."

What Supreme Court decision in effect meant that the Constitution protected slavery?

The decision on Dred Scott vs. Sanford was made by the US Supreme Court on March 6, 1857. For all practical purposes, the Court ruled that slavery was legal and that slaves were property.