The first constitution believe it or not was made in Medina, Saudi Arabia by the Prophet Muhammed (SAW)
There are many records of ancient written law (dating back to 2300 BC). However, historians agree that Agreements and Constitutions of Laws and Freedoms of the Zaporizian Host, written in 1710, is the earliest constitution that satisfies our modern understanding the the word.
So, the Zaporozhian-Ukrainian Republic was the first country in the world to have a written constitution.
Probably the first time people decided to work together rather than simply as competing individuals there emerged a kind of unwritten constitution, determining who did what and who took care of the weak and defenceless who could not contribute. Once leaders emerged in communities there would also emerge unwritten compacts between the leader and the followers. As to when any of the early constitutions were put in writing, that would be centuries or millennia later. But do not underestimate the force of unwritten constitutions - the United Kingdom, in theory at least, has no written constitution, but an abundance of statute law and common law defining powers and limits on powers, and rights and limits on rights.
The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was the first constitution of the New World. It was the first constitution in the world to base authority on the consent of the governed.
The Articles of Confederation was the first written constitution of the United States.
The mayflower compact was the first written form of government in the new world
Tyler E mcmillian
Vermont's constitution of 1777
the oldest written constitution of the world is the constitution of U.S.A
George Washington declared our first national Thanksgiving Day to express gratitude for the new Constitution. (If you are using this answer for the History Mystery Message Challenge, it is Thanksgiving-number 7)
The mayflower compact was the first written form of government in the new world
The first colony to adopt its own constitution was: New Hampshire.
The first colony to adopt its own constitution was: New Hampshire.
Which Is The Country First Attempted In World To Constitute A Constituent Assembly To Frame A Constitution
After the Second World War, the Japanese Government wrote the first constitution but General Douglas Macarthur didn't accept it so he wrote the new constitution and forced the Japanese to accept it.
when did new york ratify the constitution
To answer you question we need to know what constitution you are asking about. Most organizations have a constitution there is not just ONE constitution in the world.
To answer you question we need to know what constitution you are asking about. Most organizations have a constitution there is not just ONE constitution in the world.
The first constitution of America was the Articles of Confederation. This constitution gave too much power to the individual states and not enough to the federal government, so a new constitution had to be designed.
a good constitution must promote a law which really help to all the people. first is the peace and security of the country, secondly the academy of human rights lastly a new world of government.