In -- "In Congress, July 4th 1776" Alternatively you could say When "When in the course..." if you do not count the dating line at the top.
He was part of the government and helped write the Decloration of Independence.
The declaration of independence was signed by 56 representatives from the original 13 colonies
The declaration of independence.....that's all I can think of
The decloration of independance
The four parts of the Declaration include: 1. Preamble 2.Natural Rights 3. King's Wrongs (i.e., List of Grievances) and 4. Independence
Jefferson signed the Decloration of Independence.
Benjemen Franklin
The Decloration Of Independence Was Signed At MyHouse By Eilish's Dad Whilst He Was In His Bath Slidee From Doncaster To London :D:D
john Hancock was the first on to sign for the united states.
Washington DC
John Hancock
from the decloration of independence
The 4th July in America
July 4, 1776
Thomas Jefferson