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Its goal was to keep women from having the right to vote.

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Q: What was the goal of the Anti suffrage movement?
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Are women allowed to participate in the anti slavery convention?

Women were not allowed to participate in the World Anti-Slavery Convention. This sparked the women's suffrage movement.

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What group of women opposed the womens suffrage movement because of prejudice?

Women antisuffragists

When was Women's National Anti-Suffrage League created?

Women's National Anti-Suffrage League was created in 1908.

What does suffrage movement mean?

The word "suffrage" means "having the vote". The suffrage movement was a movement to give the ability to vote to those who were not allowed to before--specifically, women.

Which political movement influenced Congress to give women the right to vote?

The movement is called Womens' Suffrage. Read more, below.

What women suffrage movement was about?

women suffrage movement means all women should have right to vote

What was women's suffrage movement?

women suffrage movement means all women should have right to vote

What best describes the signifangance of the Seneca Falls conference in 1848?

It marked the beginning of the women's suffrage movement.

What does women suffrage mean?

women's suffrage is their right to vote the womens's suffrage movement was in 1920

What political party majority did Sojourner Truth have?

Sojourner Truth was an abolitionist and women's rights activist who was affiliated with the anti-slavery movement and the women's suffrage movement. She did not belong to a particular political party.

Did Grover Cleveland support the womens suffrage movement?

nope he wasn't a supporter for women's rights (a.k.a. the suffrage movement)