Religion and government were more closely linked in the Byzantine Empire than in the west. The Byzantines viewed the emperor not just as the head of the government but as a living representative of God and Jesus Christ. This meant that the church and the state were combined into one all powerful body.
India's government is like the US and the UK government in that they are all forms of democratic government. India having the largest democratic population in the world.
The city called Byzantium, Constantinople, or Istanbul. This city was the capital of the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire, and the city and the empire were styled after Rome. However, the city of Moscow (Muscovy) is also called New Rome, or the Third Rome, because the influence of the Byzantines modified Moscow to be much like Constantinople.
legislative, judicial, and executive
it was very much connected to religion.
The social structure and gov. was like a porcupine waiting to be petted.
Back in the days of Constantinople, the Orthodox Church was highly involved in government and politics. Even though there was separation of Church and State, the Church exercised considerable influence in the government of Constantinople.
Constantinople's government was ran by a emperor. That's pretty much it.
Southeast Europe.
The answer is simple. Obviously, Constantinople was during time up to the 1900's, because now it is called Istanbul. Constantinople was ruled by the Ottoman Empire in 1299-1918. It was the capitol. Baghdad was also a part of the Ottoman Empire. That makes their government, if your using modern day terms, an autocracy or an oligarchy government. Hope that tid-bit helped! Enjoy your information! :)
Southeast Europe.
whatever u need Constantinople has it
Southeast Europe.
The former name of Istanbul is: Constantinople Before is was renamed Constantinople (in honor of the Roman emperor Constantine, this city was called Byzantium and New Rome).
Constantinople was conquered by the ottoman Turks in 1453. The Turks used both the name Kostantiniyye in their official documents, and Istanbul was the was the popular name. The Europeans continued to call it Constantinople. In 1923 the Turkish government decided that Istanbul was to be the sole name of the city.
Yes. This was in order to move the government of Turkey away from the religious leadership based in Constantinople.