The average age is 55 years & 1 month. The median age is 54 years & 6 months.
The average age of a president when they took office is 55 years 1 month, Ronald Reagan was the oldest at 70 and Teddy Roosevelt was the youngest at 43The President of the United States in 2014 is Barack Obama. As of March 2014, he is 62 years of age.
Average age of the wizards= 26.6
Nobody ever dies of old age. Except in science fiction, there is no age by which everyone must die (although it seems nearly impossible to exceed the age of 120 at this point). Of the 38 U.S. Presidents who have died to date, four of them were in their 90's at the time. Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan died at the age of 93, and John Adams and Herbert Hoover died at the age of 90.
yes WilliamMcKinley Was a good president in my opinion. He was president from 1897-1901. Unfortunately he was assassinated in 1901 by Leon Frank Czolgosz.
None. The youngest President was Theodore Roosevelt who took office when he was 42 years of age.
Each US President were different ages when they were inaugurated. But the average age during Inauguration is 54 years old.
The mean age of the U.S. Presidents when they first took office is 55.116 years.(The median age is 54.564 years.)(minimum: 42.881 years)(maximum: 69.956 years)(mode: 51 years)
Only nine of the 43 U.S. Presidents were under 50 when sworn in as President for the first time; the other 34 were all over 50.
The median age of Mali is 16.2 years.
The average of of a WikiAnswers contributor is quite difficult to determine, as there are many contributors. The median age is probably around the age of 45.
Their average age would be 27.95 years old.
The average age of a floridian resident is 44.9 years old
The median age is 36.8 years in the US.
the median age at diagnosis is 55-60 years.
About late forties to late sixties.
Herbert Hoover was 54 years and 6 months of age when he became U.S. President. Of the other 42 U.S. Presidents to date, 21 were older when they first took office and 21 were younger when they first took office.
According to, the median age of Wisconsin is 37.9 years of age.