Originally the US Constitution stated that senators should be chosen by state legislatures. The 17th Amendment that was passed in 1913 stated that the senators should be chosen through an election within their state.
In a nascent democracy the first step is to create and establish a process whereby delegates to a constitutional convention cam be selected. This can be a muddled affair. Who, for example, has the authority to convene such a convention? In a nation with an established constitution, that constitution should include the procedure for amending the existing constitution. A convention may be organized to propose amendments but there is still a ratification step whereby the constituent provinces or sub-states formally accept the constitution.
They are always elected by the people for the Senate and The House of Representatives.
This requirement is part of the original US Constitution. I would guess that the framers wanted to remove any possibility that a young radical, perhaps a student, would capture the presidency. The whole idea of letting common people elect the supreme leader was so new that possibly unnecessary checks were put in to calm fears and secure ratification.
Prior to the ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1913, U.S. Senators were selected by the state legislatures. The 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides for the direct election of U.S. senators by the people in each state.
That is House of Representatives. Senators were originally elected by state legislatures.
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Bill of Rights A+ Selected answer
They believed that he would be elected by the electoral college.
John Adams was chosen as the head of the Constitution Congress.
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They were born into the position like kings or queens.
They weren’t. The articles didn’t have a branch of government. That is set up in the constitution.
Margaret Cummins has written: 'Leaves from my port folio, original and selected'
The adoption of a bicameral legislature with the lower house selected on the basis of population and the upper house apportioned equally among the states resolved the debate over the ratification of the Constitution.