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The fact that the delegates from different regions were unfamiliar with one another.

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reaching a concensus on the nature of the constitutional relationship between the colonies and England

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organize the colonies for war

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Q: What was the most difficult task facing the delegates of the First Continental Congress?
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What was the most difficult problem facing Americas first government?

no money

What was the most critical problem facing the new government?

The most critical problem facing the new government was the lack of funds. The national treasury had no money and congress had the ability to raise thr funds through taxes.

The most important issues facing the new federal government?

The most important issues facing the new federal government were leadership and financing. As a new government, finding the right government was a difficult task. Funding this new government was also difficult without imposing taxes and meeting resistance.

When and where did the constitutional convention meet?

The Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia from May to September of 1787. Delegates from the different colonies came here to discuss the problems facing the government of the United States. From this convention, the U.S. Constitution emerged and was adopted.

Why do you think Ford made this speech immediately after gaining his presidency?

Ford made the speech immediately after gaining the presidency because he wanted to address the nation and establish his leadership and vision for the country. As a relatively unknown figure, Ford wanted to reassure the American people that he was capable and committed to leading the country during a difficult time. Additionally, Ford likely wanted to lay out his policy agenda and demonstrate his willingness to work with Congress and the American people to address various issues facing the country.

Related questions

When did the first congress first meet?

The First Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia's Carpenters Hall on September 5, 1774. Twelve of the 13 colonies sent delegates. Georgia decided against roiling the waters; they were facing attacks from the restive Creek on their borders and desperately needed the support of regular British soldiers.

What did representatives at the first continential congress agree to do?

The First Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia's Carpenters Hall on September 5, 1774. Twelve of the 13 colonies sent delegates. Georgia decided against roiling the waters; they were facing attacks from the restive Creek on their borders and desperately needed the support of regular British soldiers.

First continential congress?

The First Continental Congress was held on 1774. Its purpose was to bring together representatives from each of the colonies, except Georgia, to discuss their response to the British Intolerable Acts.

What were the issuse facing delegates at the constitutional convention?

he never fished school

How was the convention organized?

Congress called for the convention, pressured by several states, to deal with the problems the country was facing due to the Articles of Confederation. The states then sent delegates to the convention in Philadelphia for the purpose of creating a better constitution for the country.

Why did Georgia send delegates to the Second Continental Congress and not the First?

Georgia decided against roiling the waters; they were facing attack from the borders and still needed the British for protection.

What was formed after the Philadelphia meeting in 1774?

On September 15, 1774, fifty-five Colonial delegates convened the First Continental Congress at Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia. Twelve of the thirteen colonies were represented. Georgia, which was facing attacks from the Native American Creek Nation, needed British troops to help defend their territory and decided not to participate for fear of losing military support.Although angered by the closing of Boston Harbor following the Boston Tea Party, the First Congress didn't advocate independence, but sought to address the "intolerable acts" the British Parliament inflicted on the Colonies. Congress had but three objectives:To write a statement of colonial rights;To identify specific Parliamentary violations of those rights; andTo construct a plan to convince the British to restore their rights.Part of the leverage used against the British was a boycott of their imports. In response, the British Navy blocked the Colonies' access to the North Atlantic Fishing Area.The Second Continental Congress convened on May 10, 1775, when the delegates voted for a resolution that was realized in Jefferson's Declaration of Independence.

What was the most difficult problem facing Americas first government?

no money

What is the future of Africa?

The future is difficult to predict accurately (but very easy to predict inaccurately) so allow me to predict that Africa is facing a difficult future.

Thing that you admire about Lee Kuan Yew?

He can remain very clam when facing difficult situations.

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What crisis was gearge washington facing?

The economic problems faced by the Congress deeply touched the lives of most Americans in the 1780s.