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Bess Truman

Her full name was Elizabeth Virginia Truman.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Elanor Roosevelt and Bess Truman.

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Q: What was the name of president Truman's wife?
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Harry Trumans's wife was named Elizabeth, her maiden name was Wallace.

What was harrys trumans wife name?

Elizabety "Bess" Virginia Wallace

Who was Harry Trumans wife while he was president?

Ok there are two answers you could names you could call Harry S Truman's wife, Bess Truman or this is her full name Elizabeth Virginia Truman.

What number was harry trumans president?

He was the 33rd President of the United States.

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James Madison was President in 1812, and his wife's name was Dolley.

What was Harry S Trumans position?

u.s. senator Vice-President, then President, then ex-President. Always a Democrat.

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He was not elected, as he was the vice president he took the office when Roosvelt died.

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