The population was likely around 15.6 million, based on the US Census total in April, 2000, which was approximately 16 million.
Miami, Florida
Kansas City, MO Population: 441,545 (US Census 2000) Saint Louis, MO Population: 348,189 (US Census 2000) Springfield, MO Population: 151,580 (US Census 2000) Independence, MO Population: 113,288 (US Census 2000) Columbia, MO Population: 84,531 (US Census 2000)
In relation to population, the size of North-Rhine-Westphalia is close in size to the state of Florida. Florida's population is approximately 18,300,000 while North-Rhine Westphalia has about 17.5 million residents.
According to, the Census 2000 population of Florida was 15,982,378.
Florida's population in 2000 was 30.2 times what it was in 1900.1900 Florida population = 528,5422000 Florida population = 15,982,378
1950 population of Florida was 2,771,305.1960 population of Florida was 4,951,560.1970 population of Florida was 6,791,418.1980 population of Florida was 9,746,961.1990 population of Florida was 12,937,926.2000 population of Florida was 15,982,378.
Miramar in Florida has the population of 122,041 people, based on the 2010 census. There has been a significant population increase from the year 2000.
As of 2021, Homestead, Florida, has an estimated population of approximately 77,000 people.
According to the US Census for the years 1990 and 2000, the population of Florida would have been about 14,740,000 in 1996.According to the US Census, the population of Florida went from approximately 13 million in 1990 to 16 million in 2000.
The population of Hollywood, Florida as of the 2000 census is 139,357. Projections for 2005 are 146,734.
It was 0 because a tweety-bird killed them all.
In the year 2000, the population of Florida was 16.05 million people. By 2010, the population had climbed to 18.8 million people. The current population is 19.55 million.
The population was approximately 14.4 million in 1995. Since it added 3 million residents between 1990 and 2000, the population of Florida would have been about halfway between the census totals for those years.
The population of Florida in 1970 was approximately 6.8 million people.
According to, the 2007 population estimate for Fort Lauderdale city, Florida is 183,606.Also, the Census 2000 population for Estates of Fort Lauderdale CDP, Florida is 1,791.