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Islam, The city of Constantinople has been sacked and Western Crusader has become suspect of the fall of Byzantium

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10y ago

The First Crusade began in 1096 and ended in 1099. The Crusade ended with the Roman Catholics retaking the city of Jerusalem.

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14y ago

The Fourth Crusade never made it to the Holy Land, but the Christian cities of Zara and Constantiniple were sacked, and the Pope excommunicated this crusader army.

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14y ago

The crusaders attacked and conquered Constantinople, temporarily establishing a Western Kingdom there.

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17y ago

Failed to regain Jerusalem from Muslims.

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9y ago

The English lost to Tunis. |

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no one knows

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Jerusalem remained in Muslim hands

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Q: What was the result of the crusade of kings?
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The result of the Crusade of Kings was .?

Jerusalem remained in Muslim hands

What was the third crusade called?

Kings' crusade

The relust of the crusade of kings was?

The main result of the Crusades was an increase in trade between the Middle East and Europe.

From the leaders of the Crusade of Kings who finished the crusade.?

The Christian commander and king Richard the Lionheart, or Richard the 1st, was the one that ended the Crusade of Kings, also known as the 3rd Crusade.

From the leaders of the crusade kings who finished the crusade?

The Christian commander and king Richard the Lionheart, or Richard the 1st, was the one that ended the Crusade of Kings, also known as the 3rd Crusade.

From the leaders of the Crusade of Kings who finished the crusade?

The Christian commander and king Richard the Lionheart, or Richard the 1st, was the one that ended the Crusade of Kings, also known as the 3rd Crusade.

What 3 kings were involved in the kings crusade?

Several people fort in the crusades: The first crusade-Christian (not nessesarilly knights The Peasant's crusade-Peasants The Children's crusade-Children The "official" Crusade-nobles

Why is the third crusade called crusade of kings?

It was called the kings crusade because at the time Richard the lion heart and saladin had a fight against the holy land, they are both kings in some sort of way.

Why is the 3rd crusade known as the kings crusade?

because many kings took part, it was intended to recapture Jerusalem, they were humbled by the fact that no kings took part in the original capture of Jerusalem in the first crusade.

Which crusade was known as the King's Crusades during the middle ages?

the kings crusade was the 3rd Crusade.

From the leaders of the Crusade of Kings finished the crusade.?

King Richard 1

Which Crusade was in 1192?

The Third Crusade lasted from 1189 until 1192. Also known as the Kings' Crusade.