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Answer #1: The election of 1800 is significant because it was marked the first time that one party had replaced another in power in the United States.

Answer #2: The election of 1800 is significant because of the problems with the voting system led Congress to propose the Twelfth Amendment, which a separate ballot for President and Vice President.

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16y ago

The presidential election of 1840 resulted in the US taking steps to gain California as a territory which lead to further discussion about what states were going to be Free states and which ones would be Slave states. The election also resulted in the Mexican War and the independance of Texas, which also raised the question of slave versus free states.

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10y ago

The US presidential election held in 1800 was significant because it was among the nations founding fathers. In the election, Thomas Jefferson beat the incumbent president, John Adams. Jefferson, however was tied with his running mate Aaron Burr. The election was finalized by a vote in the US House of Representatives on February 17, 1801 in favor of Jefferson. The election having ended in a tie was in itself unusual and unexpected. Jefferson's impact on the US was significant.

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10y ago

1848 was second and last time that the Whigs won the White House. The biggest issue was the Wilmot Proviso which banned slavery in the new territories acquired from Mexico. The Democrats were hurt by the refusal of President Polk to run again and their candidate, Lewis Cass, came out against the Wilmot Proviso, in favor of popular sovereignty . This alienated anti-slavery people who ran ex-president Martin Van Buren. Meanwhile, the Whigs nominated war hero Zachary Taylor. Taylor had never been involved in politics, but owned over 100 slaves and that was enough for him to carry the South. Van Buren's votes tipped New York to Taylor and he won.

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11y ago

Probably the single most important thing in the United States in 1856 was the election of James Buchanan as US President. He was a Democrat and defeated in that election Republican John C. Fremont and Whig Party candidate Millard Fillmore. Buchanan was running on a "save the Union" platform. As it can be seen by the Democrat Party's platform, there were concerns then about preserving the Union.

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14y ago

The 1800 election was a battle between Jefferson and his philosophy of strong state government and great personal freedom against Adams' belief in strong central government and whatever restriction on states rights and personal freedom that might be necessary to maintain a strong federal government.

Jefferson won and the federal government happily survived the Jefferson approach to governing.

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In the US presidential election of 1848, Zachary Taylor of the Whig Party won the election. Even though he was a slave owner himself, he did not want to expand the practice further into the West.

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Zachery Scott won the 1848 presidential election defeating Lewis Cass. In the 1848 presidential election Zachery Taylor received 163 electoral votes and Lewis Cass received 127 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Taylor 1,361,393 and Cass 1,223,460.

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What role did the free soil party play in the presidential election of 1848?

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