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~22 `F, winds 13 knots

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Q: What was the weather like during the battle of kings mountain?
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When did Battle of Kings Mountain happen?

Battle of Kings Mountain happened on 1780-10-07.

What is a battle site west of Gastonia?

The Battle of Kings Mountain.

Who was the victor at Battle of Kings Mountain?

The americans.

Where was the battle of kings mountain?

South Carolina

What revolution war battle was fought in october71780?

the battle of kings mountain

How long did battle of kings mountain last?


What led to the battle of kings mountain?

American revolution

When did the Battle of Kings Mountain begin?

Oct. 7

The winning colony in the battle of kings mountain?

King's Mountain is in NC

What are the four major battle fought in South Carolina during the revolutionary war?

Charleston, Charleston again, Camden and Kings Mountain.

Where was the battle of kings mountain fought in?

The battle took place in South Carolina, about eight miles south of the city of Kings Mountain, North Carolina (which is named for the battle - not the other way around), and six or eight miles east of Blacksburg, South Carolina. Contrary to popular recollections (such as Wikipedia), the battle did not happen on the mountain that's called Kings Mountain, but on an insignificant hill a few miles away. The battle took place there because it's where the Over Mountain Men caught up to Major Patrick Ferguson. It's called the Battle of Kings Mountain because it happened near the mountain (not ON the mountain, as Wikipedia reports). You can get more information about the area at

What happened in 1780 that is important to the US?

the battle of kings mountain