It is difficult to determine the exact age of the youngest person to ever read War and Peace, as reading abilities and comprehension vary greatly among individuals. However, it is possible for a highly advanced young reader, potentially as young as 10 or 11 years old, to comprehend and engage with the complex themes and language of Tolstoy's masterpiece. Reading age is influenced by factors such as cognitive development, exposure to challenging literature, and individual interest in the subject matter.
Father's age is 5 times his son's age. 4 years back the father was 9 times older than son. Find the fathers present age. a) 45 years b) 40 years c) 50 years d) 35years Cute , he's 40 & the kid is 8 Mathematic explanation: x = father's age y = son's age x = 5y x-4 = 9(y-4) x-4 = 9y-36 x = 9y-32 5y = x = 9y-32 5y = 9y-32 4y = 32 y = 8 x = 5y = 40
They help you learn. If a man don't marry, a kid won't be born. Put it this way, 50% of the man is in the kid just the same as 50% of the woman is in the kid, the kid will need both parents there to grow up a happy and full life, otherwise he'll always be missing something.
george washington carver
Billy for a little kid and James for an adult.
the youngest girl to hve a kid was 9 years old!
A facility that handles minors who violate the law is a juvenile detention facility, which may be called a juvenile hall. or a youth corrections center.
As juvenile, the longest a child can serve is until the age of 18. The sentence can extend past the age of 18 as an adult.
Me Marcus Buttacuss at the age of 7 i had my first kid Q_Q
There are juvenile detention centers for minors who have committed crimes, but they are not called "kid jail." These centers are meant to provide rehabilitation and support for young offenders.
The oldest kid is the youngest kids' neighbor.
A juvenile goat is called a kid.
The age range for the popular kid's tablet, Leappad 2, which is manufactured by LeapFrong, ranges from the age of three (youngest) to the age of nine (oldest).
Out of the biological duggars there is 22 years between josh and his youngest sister josie. However josh's son michael is the youngest kid born in 2011.
IRA account can be opened at any age as long as the person/kid has earned income.
That all depends entirely on the capability of the child to take in and understand such media content.