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democracies. In an

oligarchy (AH• luh • GAHR • kee), a few people

hold power. In a democracy (dih •MAH• kruh•

see), all citizens share in running the

government. The oligarchy of Sparta(SPAHR•

tuh) and the democracy of Athens (A • thuhnz)

became two of the most powerful governments

of early Greece.

There was a Council of Gerontes.-apex and suck your momasdick

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

There were two kings, who were war and religious leaders. However it was in fact a limited democracy, with a citizen assembly and a council.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

They allowed free men to be citizens but not women or slaves

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βˆ™ 13y ago

suppoted dy military, mens were the only citizens

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βˆ™ 15y ago

There was a Council of Gerontes

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βˆ™ 14y ago

there were 2 kings

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βˆ™ 15y ago

There were two kings.

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Q: What way was Spartan government like an oligarchy?
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What are the major criticisms of spartan oligarchy?

The women had way more right then the women in Athen

In what way was Sparta's government different?

1.It was an oligarchy not a democracy

Is there a peaceful way to change a oligarchy government?

yes when the king or queen dies the crown is passed down to next in line

In what way was Spartan government like a democracy?

Sparta's government was different than other Greek governments. They had two kings ruled the city, but a 28-member council of elders limited the powers of the kings. These men were recruited from the aristocratic Spartiates.

How do you get power in oligarchy?

An oligarchy is a government where the power is centered among a small number of people. To gain a place in this type of government requires that either by wealth or family ties one can generate support among the members and join the oligarchy. Generally speaking, unless one has some kind of powerful relation to members of the ruling oligarchy such such as those just mentioned, it would be extremely difficult to become a member of the oligarchical centers of power. If a number of "outsiders" of the oligarchy desire to become part of such a governmental scheme, or in fact displace the current oligarchy with a new one, then a revolution would be the way to do this.

How do you you get power in an oligarchy?

An oligarchy is a government where the power is centered among a small number of people. To gain a place in this type of government requires that either by wealth or family ties one can generate support among the members and join the oligarchy. Generally speaking, unless one has some kind of powerful relation to members of the ruling oligarchy such such as those just mentioned, it would be extremely difficult to become a member of the oligarchical centers of power. If a number of "outsiders" of the oligarchy desire to become part of such a governmental scheme, or in fact displace the current oligarchy with a new one, then a revolution would be the way to do this.

What are the alternatives to utilitarianism?

Any form of government would be an alternative to Utilitarianism. You could have anything from Communism to a Democratic Republic all the way to an Oligarchy.

What is the type of government in China?

china is a communist or oligarchy. most goverments have more than one way of ruling.

How much say does civilians have in an oligarchy?

The civilians have no saying whatsoever in an oligarchy. An oligarchy is only for the chosen lucky ones. They have rule and decisions over everyone and the way they live their lives.

What are the four main types of government?

Autocracy, democracy and oligarchy are the three main types; most others fit under them in some way.

Will halo 4 have survival mode?

Halo 4 will not have "survival mode" (by the way it's called firefight) like Reach and ODST, but it will have Spartan ops, which is essentially a second campaign based on a spartan other than Master Chief.

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They do not have a government they go by the Islam way.