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There were several federal projects that were introduced as part of the New Deal during the Great Depression. They were put in place to help fund the arts. They included the Federal Art Project, the Federal Writer's Project, and the Federal Theatre Project.

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Q: What were federal projects?
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Related questions

What means do lawmakers used to bring federal projects or money to their states or districts?

Lawmakers bring federal projects or money to their states or districts by lobbying and winning federal grants.

What means do lawmakers use to bring federal projects or money to their states or districts?

Besides providing services for their constituents, members of Congress also try to bring federal government projects and money to their districts and states. Lawmakers do this in three ways: (l) through pork-barrel legislation; (2) through winning federal grants and contracts; and (3) through keeping federal projects.

Where does the government get the money for highway projects and other federal programs?

Our taxes

What means do lawmakers use to bring federal project or money to their states or districts?

Lawmakers bring federal projects or money to their states or districts by lobbying and winning federal grants.

Federal projects that legislators bring to their districts?

they are called 'earmarks' or 'pork barrel's'

What was the Federal Aid Road Act of 1916?

The legislation established the federal-state relationship that determined that federal help would be channeled through the states, which were responsible for implementation of heavy construction projects.

What is federal money for hometown projects?

Everybody else's taxes. Sometimes referred to as "pork."

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Finance special expensive projects.

What is the purpose of federal taxes?

Federal taxes are used to fund public projects for the benefit of the people. They are used for infrastructure and to provide public programs such as programs for the poor or disabled.

Does Illinois receive any money from the federal government?

Yes, Illinois receives funding from the federal government in the form of grants, aid for programs such as healthcare and education, and support for infrastructure projects. This funding helps finance various initiatives in the state and contributes to its overall economic well-being.

What term is used when federal funds are allocated to certain states or districts in forms of projects grants or contracts?

The term used when federal funds are allocated to states or districts in the form of project grants or contracts is called earmarking. Earmarking allows specific funds to be designated for a particular purpose or project in a specific region, as determined by the federal government.