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Most historians mark the year of 476 AD as the end of the Roman Empire. It took almost 200 years of decline however before the last Emperor in Rome, Romulus Augustus, went into exile. This effectively ended Imperial Rome. The first 500 years of Rome's dominance began as a republic and beginning with Augustus Caesar, the transition from republic to empire began. The decline charted by historians began as late as 300 AD. Because no new lands were being conquered, no new farmlands and the taxation of them slowed down. This also snowballed into a difficult situation as no new slaves from conquered lands were available for either agricultural or industry work. For all practical purposes slavery was the base of Roman prosperity. The economic decline resulted in a deflation of the currency and thus without new monies, enterprise development declined. The Imperial government tried to "fix" things but only made matters worse. Regulation of the Roman economy by freezing prices and wages was a failure. Equally important was the lack of a stable government. Corruption ran rampant and government changes in economic policy were impossible to be implemented.
Without new lands to conquer and to seize booty from them & in conjunction with significant inroads into Roman lands by various barbarian peoples, the empire's ability to protect its borders failed to meet its once invincible powers. The Roman legions, the last hope of maintaining the empire were without strong leadership and many legions were populated by non Romans. German tribes as example made up a good portion of Rome's northern borders.
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Q: What were some of the main causes for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire as governed by Rome?
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What is the decline and fall of Rome about?

If you mean the book, The History of the Decline and all of the Roman Empire, it is about exactly what its title says. It covers the causes and conditions that were detrimental to the empire.If you mean the book, The History of the Decline and all of the Roman Empire, it is about exactly what its title says. It covers the causes and conditions that were detrimental to the empire.If you mean the book, The History of the Decline and all of the Roman Empire, it is about exactly what its title says. It covers the causes and conditions that were detrimental to the empire.If you mean the book, The History of the Decline and all of the Roman Empire, it is about exactly what its title says. It covers the causes and conditions that were detrimental to the empire.If you mean the book, The History of the Decline and all of the Roman Empire, it is about exactly what its title says. It covers the causes and conditions that were detrimental to the empire.If you mean the book, The History of the Decline and all of the Roman Empire, it is about exactly what its title says. It covers the causes and conditions that were detrimental to the empire.If you mean the book, The History of the Decline and all of the Roman Empire, it is about exactly what its title says. It covers the causes and conditions that were detrimental to the empire.If you mean the book, The History of the Decline and all of the Roman Empire, it is about exactly what its title says. It covers the causes and conditions that were detrimental to the empire.If you mean the book, The History of the Decline and all of the Roman Empire, it is about exactly what its title says. It covers the causes and conditions that were detrimental to the empire.

Which were the causes for the decline of the roman empire?

An overemphasis on military service. The fall of Christianity. Extremely low inflation.

Who helped the decline of the Roman Empire?

Boadicea helped with the decline of the Roman Empire.

Who was the author of history of the decline and fall of the roman empire?

Edward Gibbon wrote The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

What was the date of the decline of the roman empire?

There is not a date for it. The decline of the empire was a gradual process, not an event.

What age emerged after the roman empire?

After the height of the Roman Empire comes the decline of the Roman Empire

A major effect of the decline of the roman empire was that western Europe?

One of the major causes for the Fall of Roman Empire was the Antagonism between the Senate and the Emperor

What document helped explain the decline of the Roman Empire?

No particular document explains the decline of the Roman Empire. Historians have elaborated this notion from the writings of several Roman and Greek authors. Some historians even challenge this notion of a decline of this empire.

Era of decline upon the collapse of the roman empire is called?

Era of decline upon the collapse of the roman empire is called Fall of Rome

Who is the author for Deciline and fall of the roman empire?

The author of "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" is Edward Gibbon.

Era of decline upon the collapse of the roman empire is called-?

it is called the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. This refers to the western part of the Roman Empire, which fell in the 5th century. The eastern part of this empire continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years

What was the roman empire before Augustus?

The Roman empire was an empire before Augustus. It was an empire under the republican form of government. In other words Rome was governed as a republic before Augustus. During and after Augustus the empire was governed by the principate form of government.