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The colonies goals revolved around gaining their freedom from England. This was caused by what the British were doing in their control over the colonies. Overall, they were interested in gaining their freedom, and being able to dictate trade, taxation, and law in a way that it would benefit themselves.</

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The colonist wanted to make their own laws and be independent from the British. They also did not want to be taxed since they did not have any representation in the British parliament.

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I think the goal was to be independent from great Britian

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Q: What were the American colonies goals during the American Revolution?
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How effectively did the American Revolution satisfy colonial goals for civil political social and economic rights?

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Why was the french and the American Revolution so different?

Both wars were initiated by perceived injustices from the monarchies in question and inspired by Enlightenment ideas, and the French Revolution was, in large part, inspired by the American Revolution. (Ironically enough, the French absolute monarchy had helped finance the revolt of the American colonists against perceived monarchical excesses . . . and the debt thus incurred was part of the snowballing problems that led to the French Revolution.) The two wars differ in some key ways: -- The American Revolution was a revolt of colonies against an overseas king, while the French Revolution was a revolt of the lower classes within their own country. -- The goals of the American Revolution remained more or less the same from beginning to end, while the goals of the French Revolution changed, becoming more radical over time. -- The American Revolution resulted in two separate states which have essentially retained those forms of government since, while the French Revolution brought a succession of governments to France. The American Revolution was also not as violent as the French Revolution. French Revolutionaries (after storming the Bastille to start the Revolution) would execute any supporters of the king via the guillotine whereas American Revolutionaries were never violent persay towards Brits or supporters of the monarchy outside of warfare

Conflicting goals during in america durring cold war?

The geo-political goals were some of the conflicting goals in America during the Cold war.

What goals did George III have when he became king?

King George III's goal was to control the colonies over-sea in America. Most of his rules seemed unfair to the colonists who had just worked so hard to escape King George III and many other European rulers. That is why the American Revolution or the Revolutionary War came to be.

What can american do to influence the ecnonmic goals of the nation?

Americans can shop and buy products made in America to influence the economic goals of the country.

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was the Latin revolution sucessful?

The Latin American revolution did not fulfill the goals of the revolution. Although they gained independence from Spain, the social construct did not change.

What were Jefferson's goal?

one of his goals were to restore the principles that the U.S before the American revolution

How successful was the Republic in implementing the goals of the Revolution?

During the American Revolutionary Period, the fledgling American Republic can be said to have been entirely successful in implementing the basic goals of the revolution itself. While the new-born United States of America had not yet fully achieved the freedoms that its founding documents so glowingly articulated, its primary goals -- achieving independence and laying a foundation for the maintenance of that independence -- had in fact been accomplished by 1789.

In what ways did emigres and sans culottes have opposite goals?

The sans-culottes represented the "average" people, while the emigres were the nobles who had fled France during the revolution. They had almost no goals in common.

How effectively did the American Revolution satisfy colonial goals for civil political social and economic rights?

dbqs suck :(

What were Thomas Jefferson's goals?

to be a good rule as president annex may nearby political party

Goals of the spanish colonies?

== ==

What were the goals of the Bolsheviks in starting their revolution?

The goals of the Bolsheviks in starting their revolution were to maintain hold on power, and to improve the lifestyle of the poor.

In what ways did the emigres and sans culottes have opposite goals?

The sans-culottes represented the "average" people, while the emigres were the nobles who had fled France during the revolution. They had almost no goals in common.

Which of the following groups' goals is most similar to the goals of social reform movements during the Industrial Revolution?

A community with a leaking sewage system pressures its state government to fund repairs.

How did the goals of the revolution guide American toward a more just society after the war?

The revolution was to gain freedom from tyranny, so the society developed afterward aimed to create freedom for the common man.

What were the stated goals of the slogan of the revolution?

The stated goals in the slogan of the French Revolution were liberty and equality, as well as fraternity. The French Revolution took place from 1789 to 1799.