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On April 19, 1775, the British troops marching to Concord had several aims in mind. Primarily, they intended to uncover and destroy arms that had been reportedly hidden there by the colonists. Secondarily, they were to identify and apprehend several independence-minded patriots who were rumored to be in hiding somewhere in the town.

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12y ago

They had a war after a man of the English said "will do no fire untill a triger is pulled" then the British solder fired and everyone had a war but too it is too bad that the militia lost 2nd Attempt. The militia would not give up and they went back to war and defeated 90 British and wounded 174 and the militia won

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9y ago

They reached lexington

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Q: What were the British planning to do when they reached concord?
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Were did the british go after Lexington?

After Lexington, the British went to Concord, Massachusetts.

What happened in the Lexington and concord battle?

Lexington and Concord were the first battles of the American Revolution, not a separate war. British soldiers were sent to seize militia arms and ammunition stored in Concord. They were intercepted by the Minutemen at Lexington Green but the resistance was brief and the Americans withdrew with a few casualties. When the British reached Concord, the Americans had gained additional support and the ‘shot heard around the world’ was fired. The British column retreat turned into a rout under heavy sniping.