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Even though the VC were NOT regulars (like the NVA) they still took their orders from Hanoi.

1. Mission: Defeat the RVN government.

2. Method: Guerrilla warfare.

The VC would supplement/reinforce the NVA, who conducted the conventional war.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

To take over South Vietnam spreading Communist rule.

The Vietcong was South Vietnamese group who's main concern was the expulsion of outside forces (mainly USA). They themselves were not concerned with political rule, but wanted to create an environment in which the North Vietnamese forces (North Vietnamese Army and the Vietminh) could establish a communist state.

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Their main aim was to reunite the two Vietnams( North Vietnam ruled by Ho Chi Minh and South Vietnam ruled practically by the US with Diem ) under one government which was obviously Ho Chi Minh's government (a communist government) since the Viet Cong was supported by North Vietnam.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

their main aim was to make Vietnam a comunistic country

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βˆ™ 4y ago

to kill as many enemy soldiers as possible

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