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The members of the constitutional convention had to write the Bill of Rights, to get the constitution ratified. The Bill Of Rights are the first 10amendaments made to the constitution. The Bill Of Rights was written by James Madision.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

The Great Compromise addressed the issue of representation by smaller states versus larger states. A house of representatives was created, allowing larger states to achieve their goal of more power due to larger population, while a senate was created, allowing only two senators from each state to represent the state, keeping smaller states on equal footing with larger ones.

The 3/5ths compromise settled the issue of how slaves would be counted: whether or not they qualified to be counted towards the population. Again, a power thing is observed here. The southern states, with a lesser white population, wanted to count their slaves, yet not give them voting rights. The Northern states did not agree. The compromise stated that 3 out of every five slaves would be equivalent to one white man, but only in terms of population density.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

One major compromise during the Constitutional Convention was the Connecticut Compromise. This allowed every sate to have two members in the Senate, and have the number of representatives in the House based on population. Another compromise was the Three-Fifths Compromise, where three-fifths of the slaves in a state would count towards the population.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Two major compromises or perhaps better termed, certain agreements, were vital to the ratification of the US Constitution. One was the addition of the Bill of Rights, to satisfy those States that wanted to make sure the Federal government could not infringe upon the basic tenets of "freedom" that many colonialists agreed were necessary. The other compromise, which later proved to be a disaster was that which did not outlaw slavery but did say that no more slaves could be imported into the US after a certain date. (20 years I believe )

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βˆ™ 7y ago

What role did compromise play in the writing and ratifying of the U.S. Constitution? Answer this question…

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