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The major success of the Reconstruction in the South is that the blacks received new rights under the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. They were however unable to exercise these rights in the south until the 20th century because of the continued persecution and repression by the white southerners.

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10y ago

Reconstruction in the South after the Civil War had two primary objectives: to rebuild Southern society, with economic re-development as the central goal, and to create space for emancipated slaves in the South's restructured economy and socio-political fabric. Both objectives were partially accomplished; however, much of the progress was altered or undone by the turn of the century (and beyond) as black/white relations became more regimented through segregation.

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10y ago

The major outcome of Reconstruction was that all of the Confederate states were admitted back into the Union, thus once again creating a whole United States. Another outcome was the participation of the African-Americans in the southern ways of life. There were also the creations of public schools in the South as well as laws against racial discrimination.

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13y ago

Expanded industry, popularity of thrifty and progressing culture, and education reforms/accessibility.

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Three achievements would be the passing of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment.

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The most significant success of reconstruction was the keeping the nation united as one. The Confederacy was dismantled and one nation emerged again.

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