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Enlightenment ideas were reflected in the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution because of the Social Contract that john Locke wrote that allowed America to justify breaking away from England.

Enlightenment Ideas in the Declaration of Independence:

  • Equality-"All men are created equal"
  • protecting natural rights (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness)
  • rise up against tyranny/breaking bonds with England

Enlightenment Ideas found in the Constitution

  • religious tolerance-1st amendment
  • freedom of speech-1st amendment
  • separation of powers-Divide Government into Legislative, Judicial, and Executive
  • people giving power to government sexy
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Q: What were two examples of how Enlightenment ideas were reflected in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the US?
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What Enlightenment thinker's ideas are clearly reflected in the Declaration of Independence?

John Locke.

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The American Revolution was most inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment, such as individual liberty, natural rights, and the role of government to protect these rights. The revolution aimed to establish a government based on these principles, as reflected in documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

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natural rights

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The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement in the 18th century that emphasized reason, science, and individual rights. In the American colonies, Enlightenment ideals influenced the push for independence from British rule, as thinkers like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin drew upon these principles to justify their calls for liberty and self-governance. The Enlightenment also influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, which reflected its emphasis on natural rights and democratic principles.

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The social contract

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Thomas Jefferson was not present at the First Consititutional Congress, where the present day United States Constitution was drafted and written, he was in Paris. He is credited for being the main author of the Declaration of Independence

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We don't have the phrase you were given so we can't answer the question.

Concept from the European enlightenment that was included in the us constitution?

The Bill of Rights is an example of how Enlightenment is reflected in the United?æStates Constitution. The Bill of Rights makes sure the government is held responsible for protecting its citizens.

What are the connections between the declaration of independence and the first principle popular sovereignty?

It isn't reflected in the Declaration. The Declaration is a letter to the king telling why the colonies are declaring independence.

How did John Locke become famous?

His ideology is reflected in the American Declaration of Independence. His concepts of identity later influenced Rousseau and Voltaire, along with many other Enlightenment scholars and American Revolutionaries. aka bubblez!! haha and study your social studies

How did enlightenment ideas develop in the American colonies and how were they reflected in the declaration of independence and the constitution?

When Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence he used the thoughts of John Locke. These were revolutionary ideas to state that people had the right to pick their government. For a thousand years kings had ruled the world and everyone in it. To write that a person had natural rights was treason as far as monarchs were concerned.