Political Parties.
thomas Jefferson and Alexander hamilton
A person that represents two political parties at once is referred to as bipartisan. This word also means agreement between two opposing parties.
political parties have no involvement
No. If anything, differing views between Hamilton's and Jefferson's supporters encouraged the growth of political parties.
I was hoping to be the friction in your jeans.There was a lot of friction between the two parties at the political conference, but eventually they worked out their differences and came to a joint decision.Vehicles like cars and bikes all use friction to slow themselves down.
A: Swift mocks the petty differences between the political parties.
do not do it
Political Parties.
Interest groups focus on a specific policy where as political parties have a wider spectrum on their political agenda.
thomas Jefferson and Alexander hamilton
Hamilton and Jefferson
a relationship between two political parties which help each other
Fightings between political parties
The plural of political party is "political parties".
from Federalists to Democratic-Republicans