The Glorious Revolution proved to the Catholic Church that it would not establish a monarchy in England. It also showed the monarchy in England that their power was not absolute.
England did rule over the Americans at one point in history and they wanted freedom so they went to war
To obey the laws and be known as the Good Colony and ensure obedience to the King of England(:
England is part of the United Kingdom. The government of the United Kingdom is a constitutional Monarchy. The laws are made by a democratically elected parliament.
The American patriots wanted to break away from England because of the lack of representation. The government that was formed made that the rights of all people would be protected.
A good souvenir from New Zealand I think would be a Pounamu (jade) pendant. These are about 50-100 for a nice one and are cool for girls or guys.
A good souvenir from Mars would be a piece of meteorite that originated from the red planet. These meteorites can be found on Earth and are a unique and authentic memento from Mars.
A souvenir from one of the colorful "Voodoo" shops in the French Quarter.
If the coin is in reasonably good condition, and it is silver in color (as opposed to bronze colored), then this is one of the more rare souvenir coins. Its estimated value would be approximately $275.00 in fair, to good, condition. Kind Regards
A rasta hat?
Hubba Bubba. It is fun to say and you get to keep the comic part as a souvenir of your sweeties devotion. . .
The Beach or souvenir shops. I find they have good fake shells :)
Because it is a football tournament.
Our Souvenir was created in 2002.
a band shirt
It would be a small souvenir or ornament of some sort.