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I will become Anil kapoor of Nayak and i'll do as much as i can in entire day(86400 seconds).

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Q: What would you do if you were prime minister for the day?
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Who is prime minister in absence of prime minister?

Um...that would be the Deputy Prime Minister.

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the prime minister job in the U.K is to run the country an a day to day basis

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Generally, the deputy prime minister would step in as Prime Minister.

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Prime Minister's Day was August 15th, 2012.

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Quebec would not have a prime minister. It would have a premiere.

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The current Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, became Prime Minister on 2006 February 6.

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No. To this day, the only female prime minister was Kim Campbell.

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Harold Holt was sworn in as Australia's Prime Minister on Australia Day, 26 January 1966.

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Prime Minister.

What is the deputy prime minister's role?

The duties of the Deputy Prime Minister are to act on behalf of the Prime Minister in his or her absence overseas or on leave. The Deputy Prime Minister has always been a member of the Cabinet and has always held at least one substantive portfolio. (It would be technically possible for a minister to hold only the portfolio of Deputy Prime Minister, but this has never happened.) If the Prime Minister were to die, become incapacitated or resign, the Governor- General would normally appoint the Deputy Prime Minister as Prime Minister. If the governing or majority party had not yet elected a new leader, that appointment would be on an interim basis. Should a different leader emerge, that person would then be appointed Prime Minister.

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