1966 across the US - other states i.e. California had the law in effect much earlier I believe.
it gave them more power and the government and shang and zhou where really serous about their job and took care of the earththis answer came from worldhistoryancientcivilizations
Unfunded Mandate
The Mandate system had the benevolent intention of preparing the "natives" of various regions for self government. In practice, the granting of mandates often represented nothing more than the granting of spoils to the different victorious allied governments.
A constitutional mandate can mean a few different things. A constitutional mandate is usually something that must be upheld due to it's stating so in the constitution.
A: categorical grant B: block grant C: program grant D: formula grant E: unfunded mandate
how did the mandate of heaven affect government in china
A representative form of government derives its mandate to govern from the consent of the people to be governed. The governed peopel can withdraw, recall, or change their mandate by means of regularly scheduled elections but if/when the government refuses to obey the mandate of the elctorate it is possible that revolution or civil war could occur when the people attempt to remove the no-longer-legitimate government by force.
the chinesebelief the mandate of heaven have worked for and against stability in the government because they can
Ancient China's Government was a Monarchy.
When a higher level of the U.S. government (i.e. the federal government) tells lower branches of the government (i.e. state governments) to do something, that's a mandate. If the federal government give the states money to help them do whatever they want them to do, that's a funded mandate. If they don't, if they just expect the states to do it on their own, that's an unfunded mandate. So when the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed, the federal government told the state governments they had to make all their office buildings handicap-accessible. They did give the states some money for the construction (although some say not enough), so that was a funded mandate.
Yes, I have heard such rumors. However, it is very unlikely that the government would mandate such a thing. If anything, car manufacturers themselves will begin to install GPS devices in all cars.
A federal mandate
When a federal law requires a lower government to meet a particular obligation, this is referred to as a federal mandate. The Americans with Disabilities Act is an example of a federal mandate.
It gave legitimacy to the form of government being established
Yes. My government should mandate the use of materials that biodegrade once their useful life is over. Whether anyone will note, remember, or heed what the government mandates is another issue entirely.
Kinda, but not really. The federal government does not have the power to mandate states to adopt setbelt laws. However the federal government does seem to have the power to threaten cutting off federal transportation money to states which refuse to.
with a mandate the federal government tells a state government what it must do if it wants grant money.