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Coolidge became president after the death of Harding in 1923, he was elected in 1924.

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Q: What year was Calvin collidge elected president?
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What age was Calvin Coolidge elected and and what were the qualifications?

Calvin Coolidge was 52 when elected President in 1924. He had been U.S. President for over a year, since the death of Pres. Harding in the summer of '23.

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He was elected president in 1789.

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1860 was the year that Lincoln was elected president for the first time. He was elected again in 1864.

Who was the president in the year of 1927?

Calvin Coolidge

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The president is elected for a four-year term. They can only be elected twice.

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Calvin Coolidge died on January 5, 1933.

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when Washington was elected is1789

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Douglas Hyde was the first president of Ireland. He was elected in 1938.

Did Davis become president in 1924?

No. The U.S. President reelected that year was Calvin Coolidge.