One function that Congress has but rarely uses is the authority to repeal bad legislation. Every year thousands of new laws are written and every year merely a few, if any are repealed. Ask yourself, are a multitude of laws required in order to better protect the rights of the individual? Is Congress doing their job if they go through an entire session without passing one bill of legislation? Would our country fall apart if Congress just stopped writing laws for the next several years? It is doubtful our country would fall apart, what is more likely is the oppressive government will begin to crumble, so expect more laws to come. Of course, Congress has the power of legislation but Congress has also been granted the authority to declare war, to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the states, to borrow money on the credit of the United States, to establish post offices and post roads, and to coin money, or monetary papers. But, of all the limited powers granted Congress it is the power to repeal bad legislation that is the most noble of all. Sadly, it is rarely exercised.
The primary function of the legislative branch is to make laws.
They can also impeach judges and the president. They approve or reject treaties and presidential appointments, establish lower federal courts, and regulate types of appeals. They also determine the number of supreme court judges.
The law-making function of legislatures is generally
the structure and role of the legislative branch
The three branches of government are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches. The Legislative Branch's basic function is to make laws for the common good of the People. The basic function of the Legislative Branch is to enforce those laws. The Judicial Branch's basic function is to judge whether laws are unconstitutional, if not found Constitutional, they are not passed.
the legislative branch was created by a tree
the legislative branch
The primary function of the legislative branch is to make laws.
the Function of the legislative Branch Of Belize Is to Make Laws.
The main function of the legislative branch is to legislate, or make laws.
Legislative, at least most likely
article 1Article I of the US Constitution defines the legislative branch.
to make laws
The legislative branch of government is headed by both the Vice President and Speaker of the House.
Makes laws
Article I
Article I
Article I
The major role of the legislative branch is to make laws that are passed as bills. They also have the function of setting a budget for the state.