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he did once only for vacation thow

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Q: When did George Washington go to Georgia?
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In Georgia with his pals

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No. He was never governor of Georgia , nor of any state or colony,

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No- Washington did not go to college.

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Georgia USA (GA) and george washington

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Georgia Lambron goes by George.

Who won the election race for governor in Georgia on November 3 2010?

George Washington

Where did George Washington go to highschool?

he went to washington highschool

When was Georgia?

1732 ... it's easy to remember 'cuz it was the same year that George Washington was born

When was Georgia admitted as a state and who was the president?

Georgia was the forth state to be admitted on January 2, 1788 George Washington became President after the fact.

Where did George Washington's great great grandson go to school?

George Washington's great great grandson did not go to school. Washington had no children of his own so he had no great great grandson.

What school did George Washington go to?

George Washington earned a surveyor's certificate from the College of William & Mary.