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Northwest Territory date of confederation was July 15, 1870.

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The Northwest Territories joined the confederation in 1870.

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Q: When did Northwest Territories join the confederation?
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Who made the NWT join confederation?

The Northwest territories joined the confederation in 1870. The Northwest Territories joined because the Hudson Bay Company, which owned those lands, sold them to the Canadian Government. Manitoba was included in those lands.The Northwest territories also joined for the railway Canada offered.

Why did Saskatchewan join?

Saskatchewan did not 'join' Confederation. It was created as a province out of the Northwest Territories by the Government of Canada. Saskatchewan became a province on September 1, 1905.

Why did Manitoba and the north west territories join the confederation in 1870?

The Northwest territories joined the confederation in 1870. The Northwest Territories joined because the Hudson Bay Company, which owned those lands, sold them to the Canadian Government. Manitoba was included in those lands.The Northwest territories also joined for the railway Canada offered. AND go to to get more answers to this

Why did Northwest territories joined confederation?

The Northwest territories joined the confederation in 1870. The Northwest Territories joined because the Hudson Bay Company, which owned those lands, sold them to the Canadian Government. Manitoba was included in those lands.The Northwest territories also joined for the railway Canada offered.

When did Manitoba and the northwest territories join confederation?

They both joined on July 15th 1870. They joined because they wanted to get in on the awesome railway! the nwt joined confederation in 1870 on July 15

When did Saskatchewan and Alberta join Confederation?

Saskatchewan and Alberta became provinces on September 1, 1905. They were previously part of the Northwest Territories.

Who brought about confederation in the northwest territories?

The hotson bay company.

What is the name of the territory that joined Confederation on 1 April 1999?

Nunavut, Canada's newest territory, did not actually "join" Confederation. It was created out of part of the Northwest Territories, most of which had been part of Canada since July 15, 1870.

Did wilfrid laurier convince Alberta and Saskatchewan to join the confederation?

Laurier was Prime Minster when Alberta and Saskatchewan were established as provinces, but he did not have to convince them to join Canada. The two provinces were created out of the Northwest Territories; which was already Canadian territory.

What was the 7 province to join confederation?

The seventh province to join confederation was British Columbia. There are 13 provinces that joined confederation; Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Brittish Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Yukon, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nunavut. I hope i helped you =D

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between the Northwest Ordinance and the Articles of Confederation?

The northwest ordinance added to the guidlines for american expansion that were introduced in the articles of confederation

What was the last territory to join Canada?

Wrong AnswerNunavut, on April 1, 1999. Prior to that date, that Territory was part of the Northwest Territories. It had been split because people thought Northwest Territories was too big so they decided to divide it. =========================================================Right Answer1. Nunavut was carved out of the Northwest Territories in order to create a self-governing territory for the Inuit. The decision to create Nunavut had nothing to do with the previous size of the Northwest Territories. 2. Nunavut did not "join" Canada. It was already a part of Canada by virtue of being a part of the Northwest Territories.3. The last territory to join Canada was the "remaining British possessions and territories ... and the islands adjacent thereto" pursuant to the Adjacent Territories Order, dated July 31, 1880.Prior to that, on July 15, 1870, Rupert's Land and the North-Western Territories had been transferred from Britain to Canada. On the same date, the federal government created the Province of Manitoba out of part of the former Rupert's Land.