Rebecca J Cole was married to Robert Cole they had 5 kids together Alice,George,Susanna,Dorcas and Stevean
Rebecca J. Cole was the first African American female to earn an MD from the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania. She never married or had children.
Rebecca Griscom had 12 children, 3 boys and 9 girls and there names are Sarah Griscom, Betsy Griscom, Deborah Griscom, Mary Griscom, Rebecca Griscom, William Griscom, Mary Griscom, Hannah Griscom, Samuel Griscom, George Griscom, Martha Griscom, and Ann Griscom.
The name is a composite of Virgil Earp (the lawman in "the Gunfight at OK Corral", about which Parker wrote a book, and Cole Younger, one of the Jesse James gang.
Votes for white women, violence against black men
Thomas Cole founded the Hudson River School of painting, so anyone that went there was greatly influenced by him.
What year did Nancy Morgan Hart get married
They were married for 1 year then rebecca cole died of cancer.
Robert Cole
she got married to him at 2005
== == Robert Cole
Rebecca J. Cole who was an American physician got married in 1868. She was born on March 16, 1846 and died on August 14, 1922.
Rebecca J. Cole was the first African American female to earn an MD from the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania. She never married or had children.
Rebecca J. Cole who was an American physician got married in 1868. She was born on March 16, 1846 and died on August 14, 1922.
yes her husband name is Robert cole she has 5 kids
rebecca Jane cole
Rebecca jane cole
Rebecca J. Cole's middle initial is J.
Robert Cole