One thing is people demanding the Gov't provide more services and benefits to them then they are willing to share the cost of paying for.
It's called subsidies, often the government will subsidise a business if it is producing merit goods such as fruit to make production cheaper for the business this means people will be eating more of the fruit as more has been made for cheaper. The business can also sell the product for less making it affordable for people.
well it depends on what issues are taking placebut for more serious issues that threaten homeland security i think the responses are called defcon.
The government by two or more parties are called a coalition government. Like today David Cameron (Conservative) is in a Coalition with Nick Clegg (Liberal Democrats). Hope this helps
the populist party belived in more power to the government and it was also called the peoples party.
"A plan where the government pays out more money than it takes in with taxes"
When a government spends more money in a year than it takes it, it is called a deficit. When it spends less than it takes in, it is called a surplus.
I'm sorry, I just know what term is used to define when a government IS spending more money that it takes in, it's called deficit spending.
No. Nobody has more money than the U.S. Government. Or, you can argue the Government has no money at all and is in debt.
It is called deficit spending.
Because the government is only basing their money to their dollar reserves and gold reserves which is an international medium of exchange.If the government produces more money than the value of their reserves,it is called inflation.
Money, money and more money for the government.
Taking away government handouts. By taking away handouts the government gives, it reduces the need for tax payers dollars and can increase the demand of what they are handing out. For example Obama-care has caused a dramatic decline in overall profit from the medical field. By taking away that handout out there would be an increase in medical profits towards hospitals and a decline in taxes. This would then raise money for tax payers and people in the medicine field causing them to spend more and gradually increasing the money the government has as well.
making more money would lead to inflation.
they spend more money because they will make more money
Various things; The national debt The deficit Public borrowing Public debt Carelessness Irresponsibility
There is a United States government website that is specifically designed to give information on grants. The site is called "Grants" and has a list of frequently asked questions on one page.