There will be an estimated 2000 or more billionaires by 2015. There will be an estimated billion millionaires in 2025.
It is estimated that the resession started in Dec 2007.
Sulla, who was consul in the final year of the social war between Rome and her allies in 88 BC, eventually was appointed dictator in 81 BC, after the civil wars he fought against Marius. He executed and estimated 9,000 of his opponents. He also carried out sweeping institutional reforms.
According to coin trackers it is estimated the value is an average of 34.00.
The federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (FASA)
A physicians assistant's salary was estimated to be around $80000 per year by the government of Ontario in April 2011. This is the base salary estimated.
The government in the country of Jamaica is a parliamentary democratic monarchy. This country has an estimated population of 2.7 million people.
The Population of France is 65,073,482 which was estimated January 1st 2009 by the french government
An estimated three million people were affected by the quake; the Haitian government reported that an estimated 316,000 people had died, 300,000 had been injured and 1,000,000 made homeless
There are 5.2 million employees estimated in central govt including departmentally run undertaking is to be found to be excess
They don't. From an estimated labor force of 44.71 million people, only 2 million (4%) work for the Mexican government and armed forces.
The percentage of active and reserve military families that are currently on government food stamps in the US is estimated to be 12% or more.
The Haitian government has that estimated 316,000 people died as a result of the 2010 earthquake.
Yes It has caused 120 deaths so far and the government estimated damage of 20 billion dollars.
Earlier, the value of Rupees was completely regulated by the Government. But with advancement in Globalization, it is totally dependent on the Market.