Continental Congress
States wrote constitutions because at the time the "US"was not formed together into one big country, so all the states had to go into a sort of meeting to get together and write it.
The last time there was a filibuster-proof Senate was more than 30 years ago in 1977, during President Jimmy Carter's administration.
1998 was the last year that July 4 was on a Saturday The next was 2009
The Texans had never made the playoffs prior to this season (2011/12).
The 2011-2012 season was the last time they made it to the playoffs, They lost to the Houston Texans in the first round.
The all time leading scorer for the Houston Texans is kicker Kris Brown.
Europe is a continent consisting of many countries. They would have their own consitutions, so Europe has many constitutions. Within those countries, those constitutions would be regarded as being democratic. Different countries change their constitutions from time to time.
No, the Texans bought some time for the other American troops, but were defeated at the Alamo.
Continental Congress
Continental Congress
No, they put their pants on one leg at a time.
Through the 2011 season, the Steelers and Texans are tied 2-2.
From time to time, situations arise and circumstances change enough for state constitutions to need amendment. These processes usually take years, but allow constitutions to evolve with the times.
It is a life-time opportunity to go to korea
Andre Johnson