no it would not........ i think
Yes. The Government and Statemay not be formally recognized by other countries, but if its own inhabitants recognize it as the (for them) only lawful rulers and accept its laws and regulations, the Government will in fact exist and function. A good example of this is the Government of the Kurdish part of Iraq.
The 15th amendment guarantee's the right to vote without restrictions based on..for an example race.
The colonial boycotts were an example of taxation without representation because the British imposed new tax laws without anybody from the colonies to represent them in Britain. They had no say in any new laws, or acts, that the British imposed on them. It would kind of be like if Michigan had no representatives in Congress (which means no say in our government) and had to abide by laws they had no say in.
It's very possible to carry a torch for someone you've never known, but it isn't love. You can't love someone unless you know them, and you don't know someone until you've been around them a while, talking to them, seeing how they act in various circumstances.
without it no one can imagine of blood pumping. without blood pumping to the body no one can live.
A manager with reports has people who report to him and take direction from her. A manager without reports does not have any people reporting to him.
deductive reasoning
Pumping it stronger without caring how it is reacting
To know who is not an example of governance that developed by custom it is important to know what the possible choices are. Without knowing this it is difficult to know the answer.
Without a heart pumping blood throughout the body, a person would die.
A customer wants two new computers added to the existing SLA without additional cost.
To know who is not an example of governance that developed by custom it is important to know what the possible choices are. Without knowing this it is difficult to know the answer.
without them you wouldn't be able to move around, breathe or even keep your heart pumping.
No. As far as I know it is not possible to buy single pieces of MS Office.
groupthink - apex