Fort Duquesne was built in 1754 and was controlled by New France. On November 25, 1758, the Forbes Expedition captured the site for the British. The British then built a much bigger fort and called it Fort Pitt.
It was fort Dequesne
Fort Snelling was built after the War of 1812 as a string of fortifications. Indian agents were also stationed at this fort as well as many others.
Fort Necessity was built by George Washington. He saw the French and their fort, Fort Duquesne. George Washington was forced to surrender.
Fort Ticonderoga was a former French fort built on the south end of Lake Champlain in northern New York. It was built in a star shape which lent itself to a much easier defense.
John Whisiler made it
Fort Dearborn.
The city of Chicago, Illinois was built on the area where Fort Dearborn once stood. The American outpost was destroyed in the Battle of Fort Dearborn during the War of 1812.
Fort Dearborn is now known as Odiorne Point State Park. It was built in 1803 by the Chicago river in Chicago, Illinois.
Fort Dearborn later became known as Chicago.
Battle of Fort Dearborn happened on 1812-08-15.
Fort Dearborn was in Chicago.
It was a fort in chi-town
Fort Dearborn was the first settlement in New Hampshire. The Fort is now known as the Odiorne Point State Park.
fort dearborn
Fort Dearborn burned to the ground but would have been located in present day Chicago, Illinois.