Bodie Island lighthouse was blown up in the year 1861. It was blown up by Confederate troops, who managed to sneak into the lighthouse, which was controlled by the Union troops then.
Benjamin Harrison was the President when the White House first got electricity.Reportedly, he and his wife were afraid they would get a shock if they touched the light switches. A servant had to turn off the lights at night.
plasma is electricity and light but light is not a plasma
Turn on the light, turn off the light. Turning off the light, nullifies the action of turning on the light -- to undo.
Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the practical electric light bulb in 1879. He developed a way to generate electricity and control its flow, effectively powering the light bulb. While others had worked on similar ideas before him, Edison's innovations and refinement of the light bulb made it a commercially viable product.
yes he improved the light bulb that Edison invented using the carbon filament.
There is a lighthouse on Big Nate and Vampire Curse Island.
It was rumored to be in the light house.
sometimes they are in the Light House look in the Light House.
A crab.
the light house on poptropica is on the island
you get on the boat and go south west until you see the light house, simples
shine the light on it from the light house with thlobster
you do not
Al the way 2 the right of the island
You use it to turn the crank on light in the light house.
you go to big nate island them just keep following the arrows till you get to the puffin point then the big red and white stripped thing is the light house
on big nate island, in the air, next to the light house