The Mascot for the Republican Party is a red white and blue elephant with three white stars on it's back.
Thomas Nast
Abraham Lincoln was the first president who was a member of the modern Republican party. Some sources, particularly simplified charts, describe earlier presidents as being republican, but that was a different and not directly related party, which was formally called the Republican Democratic party. Thomas Jefferson, for example, is often cited as being the first Republican president, but he was, in fact, a Republican Democrat.
The first Republican Nominee for President was John C. Fremont. Unfortunately, he lost the election, and the first Republican President was Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln was the first president from the Republican party.
The mascot you seek is an elephant.
The elephant.
The Mascot for the Republican Party is a red white and blue elephant with three white stars on it's back.
The Donkey is the Democratic mascot and the Elephant is the Republican mascot.
An elephant.
Who was the first Philes Mascot?Who was the first Philes Mascot?
400years ago
Donald Duck was the first mascot.
McDonalds first mascot name was speede
Yale University was the first to acquire a mascot. The official mascot was a bulldog and this was established in 1889.