The bobby pin is a very useful accessory used every day, it can be plastic or metal. There seems to be no consensus about who was the first who invented and used it. Some say it was Bobby T. Plympton, others say it was Jim Gaylord, and others recognize Luis Marcus as the true creator.
bobby moore ;)
Twitter was invented.
bobby snob face
No presedent invented it. This guy that was "cool" invented it for it standed forOll Korrect.
Nicknames for the name Robert are Rob, Robbie, Bob, Bobbie, Bobby. A particular type of hair pin is a "bobby pin" or "bobbie pin".
1. First stick the bobby pin on the door lock. 2.Then twist the bobby pin.
the bobby pin
A bobby pin can suspend in honey due to the honey's high viscosity creating resistance to the pin's movement through it. The honey's sticky properties also help to adhere the bobby pin to the surrounding honey molecules.
The SAfety pin was invented in 1849
A bobby pin typically weighs around 1 gram.
To construct one of these we bent the straight side of a Bobby pin out and up over the top and toward the back. We then kept going until it formed a double loop and hooked the tip behind the crimped side of the Bobby pin
The safety pin was invented to pay off a debt.
yeah just take a bobby pin and open it so its in the v shape.then weave your hair throught it and put a straightner on it for like 2 seconds and then take the bobby pin out
To bend a bent bobby pin back to its original shape, gently use your fingers to straighten out the pin. Avoid using excessive force to prevent breaking it. If the bobby pin is severely bent, you may need to discard it and use a new one.
Ira J Young invented the split pin in 1912.