The Declaration of Independence was signed at Philadelphia, on 4July, 1776.
There were 56 signers of the declaration of independece.
it was approved on July 4Th,1776
The Decleration Of Independence
No, She was addopted!
No, Hitler was not adopted.
of course he was addopted though
No, Matthew was addopted in 1995
The decleration of independence was written on July, 4 1776.
i sure he did sign the decleration of indepence
Its pretty obvious. If Britain won, would there be an "America" today? would be the "colonies". As for the Declaration of Independence it was a letter sent to King George III saying all the faults he committed the the colonists and how they were declaring independence, hence the title of the letter/document.
Mexico gains independece from Spain
you get your kids or they can be addopted or they can be sent to a family member.