They arer held on the first Tuesday of November.
New Hampshire is famous for the country's first presidential primary elections that are held in the Granite State.
The main Presidential and Congressional elections are held in November. Primary elections and caucuses are held in prior months.
The public "votes for President" in November, but they are actually electing members to the electoral college in that election. The electoral college casts the votes for President (and Vice President) in December.
No they do not have to be in november...traditionally that is what it has become
The first general elections to the Lok Sabha were held in 1951. They continue to be held every five years. The last elections were in 2014.
It was held in 1959
National elections are typically held on specified dates as outlined in a country's constitution or electoral laws. Each country sets its own schedule for national elections, which can vary widely. In many countries, national elections are held every few years to elect representatives or a new government.
They arer held on the first Tuesday of November.
The Electoral Commission of Queensland is an independent and impartial body set up to run free and democratic elections in Queensland. It also conducts State Referendums, Industrial Elections, and Brisbane City Council Elections.
Usually state elections are held on the first Tuesday in the month of November. There are times that there are special elections that can held at various times.
the state of Washington held the first election
General elections are generally held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. So, the Tuesday between November 2 and November 8th. Special elections and primary elections can be held at any time, but are typically on Tuesdays.
elections are held and rigged